Monday 18 March 2013

What makes a good presentation?

Watch the clip below.
1. What do you think the point of a presentation is?
2. Think about what makes a presentation good?
3. What are the things that you should avoid when presenting information?


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  2. The point of a presentation is to pass on vital information which you have acknowledged and can be useful to someone esle. A good presentation requires a good quality of information and presentation and should be completely relative to the topic and age group. Avoid reading from slides, using bright colours and also over crowding the presentation.

  3. 1. The point of a presentation is to present an idea or something to a group of people who can visualise and understand the infromation that is being presented to them.
    2. A good presentation consists of big text that is concise. Also including images that refer to your point and facts and opinions that can be easily expressed
    3. You should avoid having to read a lot of texts from the presenatation that will bore your audience. Avoid having brights colours that will affect how quick your audience reads the texts.

  4. The point of a presentation is to present information which you have knowledge of and it can be useful to someone else.what makes a good presentation is limited information and reliable pictures. things that you should avoid is reading from slides and over crowding the slides

  5. i think the point of it is to get the point to you in a very funny way so your teching the audience in a enjoyable way

  6. i think it was cool

  7. 1. How to make a good presentation
    2. A good presentation needs a little of everything and not too much excessive pictures, text, colours so on
    3. bullet points, spel chek wrk and not too much text, pictures and colour

    1. 1. The point of a presentation is to present an idea or something to a group of people who can visualise and understand the infromation that is being presented to them.
      2. A good presentation consists of big text that is concise. Also including images that refer to your point and facts and opinions that can be easily expressed
      3. You should avoid having to read a lot of texts from the presenatation that will bore your audience. Avoid having brights colours that will affect how quick your audience reads the texts.

  8. The point of the presentation is to make sure poeple present their presentation in a suitable way. A good presentation is when everything is clear and theres not too much writing just a pictures and maybe at least 2 sentences. You should avoid bullet point, spell check, not too much text, picture and too much colour.

  9. I think if you know what your saying then you should be fine, speaking confidently, having less information on the slide and explaining it in your own words are what makes a good presentation.
