Wednesday 13 March 2013

iPAD PONY TRAP Year 12 BTEC comments

What do you think of the article? Who is to blame the free game app maker, the little girl or the parents? Please read the article and give your opinion on this article.
Can you use this blog and post your comment?


  1. the developer is to blame as they should make it more clear abour purcahses and should ask for the password everytime the puchase is made.

  2. It's the parent's fault. She could've put restrictions on purchasing apps such as passwords or security question to confirm the purchase of the app.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. it the parent fault she should have made sure the daughter did not know the password

  5. i blame the parent for not being in the kitchen, and for not teaching the little one what a kitchen is.

  6. it's itunes fault becuase there should be more security on purchasing apps

  7. i think that its mostly apples fault for not making the Purchasing harder so that Accidents like these don't happen.

  8. It's apples fault because it's a app for kids they shouldnt put Advisements on

  9. i believe it is the perents fault, this is because she mother gave the child access to the apple password where the six year old could download numerous apps wether they are free of charge or not, this is why i believe the mother is to blame and my reasons are fully justified furthermore you could also easily blame the devolopers for having these shitty ad ons and what not because she already fully payed for the app so therefore she should not be charged anymore after purchase. in addition you could also blame apple, app world as they could or should have increased security when trying to download numerous apps which may not be intended therfore could cost the user a substantial fortune. i also believe the little girl could be at some fault because she knew the app world password so she had access to download more apps and perhaps she could have had the ability to say no to these apps.

    1. Parents* R.I.P. English dictionairy :(

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hello.
      Your opinion has been justified through your several reasons.
      However, after reading your answer, I have suffered from a massive headache.
      What could be the cause?
      Your lack of English skills. 'Shitty' is not a term in the English dictionary. Additionally, you have forgot to use capital letters at the beginning of certain sentences.
      I'm assuming you done this on purpose because no one in Year 12 can make so many errors.
      I shall not be suing you for the headache you caused me, but I do advice you to use a spell check next time. Furthermore, I advice you to write your opinion on Microsoft Word so it will be easier for you to identify any mistakes.

      Yours Faithfully,
      A sincere human being (with a headache.)
