Tuesday 19 March 2013

Are passwords a thing of the past?

Read the article below:

Questions – Do you agree with the article that passwords will be a thing of the past? How save is the other methods of keeping systems secure? Research and use the PEE (Point Explain and Evaluate) to help you answer the above questions?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i would say googles ahead on the iris recognition with the galaxy s3, (if it doesnt see your eye then it will turn off) so they alrady have a head start. apple on the otherhand will have to go into biotech, or may need some sort of external hardware, as the screen will not be able to scan fingerprints.

  3. im not saying it cannot be done (finger print) as acer have done it on there aspire range, however the actual device took alot of space in the laptop ao if apple were to do that they will have to think about minimising or shrinking the tech.

    the whole point of a password is to remeber it, it is your security, and its pretty much secure with all the different types of encription, however they are easy to hack, mostly online.

  4. i believe that passwords are the best way forward, because if fingerprint scanners were used, sometimes the screen becomes glitchy and may not work, leading to long password resets etc. however, passwords can be insecure as people can hack into your account easily

  5. passwords are a good way to keep secure but when you forget it its raelly hard to reset your account however with touch screen you dont have to remember

  6. i think that passwords wil be a thing of the past because people normally can't remember what their password were as a result of their phones being locked but fingerprint will be the best away foward cause you don't have remember anything at all.

  7. I think that password are the best way to protect a persons id because this is an old fashion way which is really helpful and i believe the best way to protect something. Although it can get hacked easily, it is better than fingerprints scanner that could freeze your computer if you keep on putting your hand on it to unlock things.

  8. Passwords are good, but easy to guess, as many people use the same password for many websites. Finger print readers are much more secure and how likely is it someone who wants your bank details will cut your finger off just so they can get your money. I think its quite unlikely.

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  10. Dis is berry bery good because people forget their password and end up rebooting their phone and lose so much data they had. By having fingerprints will be excellent as no one will be able to use this phone apart from your self and will be secure

  11. I reckon that having the password system is actually more of a benefit rather than having the finger print system, i believe this because having a password is more genuine and people may say it is easier to hack however it all depends on the person themselves and what type of a password they create, if they create something that is complex but personal to them it will be easy to remember and also it will create problems for hackers as the password will be complicated so initially it will be more secure more than what people think it will be.

  12. I believe that the old way of keeping mobile phones secure is very effective and efficient although it requires the user to remember complex passwords. The password that the user uses is unique that only he or she knows this means hackers and outside users won’t be able to access their mobile phones. But the problem with this is that often these people use the same password for everything, which means if a hacker finds out their password for one site then likely would try to access their accounts on other sites therefore use it to their benefits. The other problem is that people are not very imaginative with their password; they create a password by coming up with something guessable in their life such as pet names, date of birth etc. However, old fashion password has its benefit if used correctly. For example using password that is not relevant to anything and creating it so it is completely different from other passwords for other sites and making sure its unique and non-identical.

  13. this is very secure and cool. it is very advanced technology. instaed of remembering 25 passwords you could just use your fingerprint. its way easier.
    Many people tend to forget thier password but i think this a much easier way and i would like to have this as a secure password
    By nadim 7T lab9

  14. wow so sik fam i neva new dis :/

  15. this new system has both pros and cons, but the the pros by far out weight the cons but can it be implanted with the current technology i think not.
