Friday 22 March 2013

Help, We're addicted to our smartphones v2

Read the artcle below:


Discuss in pairs: What do you think of the article? Do you think we should be aware and careful of the consequences when it comes to using our smart phones? Please post your comments.


  1. i got 5 yes i think that shows that am not an addict but its become a bit of a problem as sometimes it gets in the way of revision

  2. I got 6/8 this shows that i'm addicted to my smartphone but not as much. i think that the main reason why this is because i like to keep communication between me and my friends but also feel bored at certain times cause theres nothing else to do, therefore i'm addicted to my phone. I would agree that i spend more time then i have to on my phone and it is a distraction from doing work. But if there was some kind of activity to do than i would definetly do that rather than concentrate only on my phone.

  3. Smartphones have advantages and disadvantages. It can cause addiction but because we live in a more modern world some tasks are much faster and easier to carry out on smartphones as it has many apps and features that make it useful. We as a society must recognize this and be aware of the consequences that may lead to if we depend and use our smartphones too much and abuse it, but we should create a balance between technology and real life. Maintaining balance is very important when it comes to technology and life.

  4. The digital world has been advanced in the past recent years because before when phones came out they were only used to make phone calls and recieve phone calls and texts, but now we are living in a mordern world so everything has changed. one of my friend called 'Emran' told me that he is always on facebook and blackberry messenger on his phone, this is because phones has been have become advanced so much that you don't have to go on the computer and go on Socialising websites when you have it on your phone. He has told me that he can't live with out his phone and said 'my phone is my life'. As the modern world has become more demanding so have smart phones which have become more advanced due to the technology that we now have.

  5. I only got one yes,not really addicted to my smartphone.

  6. i think is mostly yonug people who are addicted to thier phones because smart phones are very cheap these days and more and more young teenagers are using it far to often

  7. Smartphones can be really addicitve but it depends on what you use your phone for such as whatsapp or watching videos. These things can be addicitve especially to young adults who enjoy talking to their freinds and discussing school stuff and out side things or to arrange to go to a retaurant. Most teenagers rely on smartphones for communciation or to look cool. But ultimately they have a reason to be addicitve to their phones and sometimes it can bring a greater good to the inddivual.There is no real consequence for being addicitve to your phone but you should aviod using your phone a lot.

  8. i am no addict well somtimes

  9. I am not addicted to smartphones even though i have an ipod touch 5, ipad 3 and samsung galaxy tab 2 10.1 . i dont spend time on those because education comes first. with education i can get enough money to buy my own things once get a job.
    By Nadim 7T

  10. HAHAHAHAHA i am no addict 1/10 i only use my smartphone to find out about stuff i need like when i do my homework. Dont look at my comment at 26th March 2013 at 04:35

  11. i think that number 3 applys to me the most.

  12. i think some of the question apply to me,but iam not addicted to my phone as i only use it to check email,messages and i used it play games when i am have nothing to do. overall i don't think iam addicted.

  13. It is hard to resist on using a smartphone. Smartphone has everything that we use in our daily basis of our lives. There are some stupid people who wants a smartphone just to show off but does not use the internet outside rather than inside the home using the Wi-Fi for internet. Smartphone is not a tablet. What is the point of having a smartphone if you are not going to use internet outside?
