Tuesday 24 September 2013

Errors in the new IOS7

Discuss in pairs: What do you think of the article? Are you surprised about the interest and the amount of news courage just for a new upgrade of an operating system IOS7? What is so good about this IOS7? Can you describe the new features that this new IOS7 have that the old IOS do not have?


  1. I think this is bad customer service from apple as they know how many people around the world use their apple product 'iphone' therefore they should have checked their servers so it could withstand the downloads

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i dont think this this new upgrade looks very professional, this looks suitable for children from the age of 6-13?

  4. It doesn't look that proffesional as the old one, theres nothing fasinating about it, just makes the phone slower.

  5. Ohh please, if apple was to make a golden turd people would buy it. All apple has done is rehash and retag what android has been doing years ago. People need to stop buying crap beacuse of it's name and concentrate on the specs and if the phone is suitable to your use.

  6. To be honest i dont think its a major upgrade, however the userface has changed and looks more stylish. its alot more different from all the other IOS however i still think they could have done better.
