Monday 9 September 2013

Need a heart transplant? We'll print one off for you

Discuss in pairs: What do you think of the article? Have hear of 3D printers? Would you like to have a heart that is printed out for you? If you can use a 3D printer what would you print out in 3D?


  1. Ive heard of 3D printers before, but i never knew they were so advance. Im shocked how this could possibly work out, if you need a transplant and this works this could be a massive life changing opportunity for man kind.

  2. I think that thiers a possibility that it might not work simply due to the fact todays technology is not always reliable.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Its a good idea, i've heared about it before but i wouldn't like to have a heart that is printed out because it can be dangerous. if i had a chance of printing something from the 3D printer it would be a car.

  5. It's stll new in the technological world, there could be some faults to it and it could be damaging if the printed out organ does not include something that is crucial for the organ to work, that person could die. I would print out a Mini 3D car, like a lambo avantador.

  6. It is quite astonishing to know that you could have a heart transplant by using 3-D printers however I believe that there is a likely chance that it might not work as there isnt enough informtion to solidify its point but if the process does work then it would be shocking moment for human kind as it is a new life changing opportunity

  7. these printers can be dangerous as you can print out weapons such as knives, guns etc. i dont think they should sell the printer as this may cause chaos.

  8. 3D printers is a new extraordinary invention to technologies and systems. But unfortunataly, as they can only print out single material objects, people's ideas of printing anything will vanish. You can prnt a gun for fun.

  9. i have heard of 3d printers such as making 3d knifes and other stuff but there not really that good so if we try to make 3d hearts it will be on some time around 2020 as 3d printers need to improve and it need to function properly but it is risky as it could fail

  10. I read this article before but there has been no updates since this news came out.

  11. i think this is possible as technology is already so advance however there is the risk of death as with every surgery

  12. I wasn't aware that you could use 3D printers to print body organs. It is quite amazing to know that you could have a heart transplant by using 3D printers however it still has a long way to go before it can sucessfully work. The possiblitites of lives being saved are endless and the advance in technology shows that human life expectancy will increase in the near future by years.

  13. it sounds dangerous, i mean what if the heart fails? but it would be cool to print out other things.

  14. if I had a 3d printed heart it probably would not work out as some people may have thier viens, arteries and other things in a diffrent order to the 3d printed heart, maybe weapon and armour and other man made items could be printed off, but an essential human organ will certainly have many problems.

  15. i think that the 3d printer is a good idea but it may have a lot of problems and side effects

    1. i think that is not true in my opinion i think that it will have no side effects only if u use it for stupid things for e.g if u or me had a heart attack the doctor could print 1 out and try and save us

  16. i think that the 3d printer is a good idea but it may have a lot of problems and side effects

  17. i think that the 3d printer can be used for good things like saving someones life but the real question is WILL IT WORK!!!!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. There are good and bad points about the 3d printer. The good thing about it is that it can save many peoples lives and the bad point is that poor countries wouldnt be able to afford it.

    1. What if the 3d heart stops functioning or doesn't fit?

  20. i think that is not true in my opinion i think that it will have no side effects only if u use it for stupid things for e.g if u or me had a heart attack the doctor could print 1 out and try and save us

  21. 3D printing will come in handy for any one without a limb or a condition which causes hasle in life however there is a great risk in surgery as this has never been done before

  22. I think that 3D printers are good but are too expensive for everybody to have

  23. it sounds fun and interesting i want to see what possibility there are because of this kind of technology. but there is also a lot of potential danger because of this people have already made,showed and posted on youtube how to make a gun .

  24. I would be surprised if a heart is printed and does save someones life

  25. i could do with a 3d printer but im not gonna say what for though

  26. i think a heart shuld be printed but tested on an animal before before it is done to a human

  27. The idea of a 3D printer is simpley epic, However there is no telling what people may use it for, so we may carry on living peacefully or we may be at the brink of charruption. However over all it is one of the best devices that will trully be able to manipulate the future!

  28. Interesting article but i've never heard of a 3D article. I wouldn't get a printed heart and if I had the chance to print anything out, it would be a console.

  29. The 3D printer is amazing, it can help many people with any life threatening disease for exmple those who have liver or kidney disorder.

  30. Never heard of till today and my overall view is that its not fully sufficient and can have side effects when it comes to human organs and so on.

  31. i think the idea of a 3D printer is amazing

  32. I think that if this idea was further developed in the future. This could revolutionise the medical industry, as people will be able to get organs on demand rather than waiting for the organs for days, months and years.

  33. I think the idia of a 3D orinter is amazing
