Wednesday 18 September 2013

Think your toilet is dirty? Don't touch the console...

Discuss in pairs: What do you think of this article? Are you surprise with how dirty your console controller is - even dirtier than your toilet seat? Can you think of any way to prevent bacteria spreading through the use of ICT?


  1. Shocked to find out that consoles are dirtier than your own toilets

  2. Im Surprised that the toilet has less bacteria than a console controller.

  3. this is an interesting discovery

  4. I think a lot more people will think twice now and wash their hands once using any of these objects listed in this article

  5. I'm not really surprised about controller being dirtier than a toilet. We always clean toilets regularly but with controllers we don't see the bacteria on it and we sometimes use it without washing our hands. Along with controllers I think it’s good to get a clean wiper and clean mouse and keyboards which tend to have more germs as they are used every day. Also washing hands regularly stops the spread of germs getting onto keyboards and game controllers.

  6. I am really surprised to hear that console controllers are dirtier than toilet.

  7. I'm surprized that toilets have less bacteria than other physical equipments, because toilets are of course becterial and an everyday-use, but it's important to clean all the time. Whereas other physical equipments have more bacteria often. If only all equipment are treated the same as clean, germs won't be spreaded onto technologies such as keybourds, consoles etc.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. im not surpised that remotes, controllers etc has more germs.

  10. its not that suprising really unlike your toilet you dont clean your game controlers or think that they are dirty so you just let them collect dust and sweat

  11. It is really suprising some of the things that are more dirty than others
    but anyway i dont care i will still play xbox

  12. It is extremley shocking, the place which you think is the dirtiest , most filthy place where you don't want to spend much time is five times cleaner than something that you spend so much time and take a lot of care of it.

  13. wow im surprised that toilets have the least bacteria out of all these household objects... but at the same time, the toilet seat is cleaned a lot more than a console, and people sometimes touch the console without washing their hands.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. WOW does a console realy have that much bacteria? and i thaught a toilet was dirty.

  16. This is something i didn't know in the futre i shall no eat next to my controller!

  17. Wow! Interesting statistics in the article. I think this a good fact to learn in the future. I didnt know that consoles, controllers, other technologies have more bacteria then TOILETS. Toilets are used in our day to day basis, so why do controlllers have more bacteria than toilets

  18. Im Very Suprized that the controller has more bacteria than a toilet

  19. The toilet is seen as the most dirtiest place in the home, well according to this it doesn't seem to be the case!

  20. thats nasty. last time im eating and playing the same time.

  21. Im shocked to find out that our games console can be dirtier than our own toilet, but can these germs give us major illnesses?

  22. C'mon man, now i might not play the xbox anymore, thanks news papers

  23. its bad to see that but its all about enjoying tourrself

  24. Im really suprised about the console and evreything it warned me not play playstation that much but i would still PLAY
