Wednesday 9 October 2013

Brit gangs making guns on 3D printers

Discuss in pairs: What do you think of the article? Was this what you expected? We talked about and now this article shows what some people are creating using 3D printers? Do you think 3D printers should be removed from the shops?


  1. Its bad, guns are easy to buy and now people are being able to make them, gangs are especially the worst people to have them considering they actually use them to take lives and frighten people.

  2. This is exactly what I expected, the idea of having a 3D printer in the first place ridiculous.
    Yes, I think 3D printers should be removed as it will cause a lot of chaos!

  3. This is something you would expect in society. People should think about it properly first before selling it in the shops. They should sell it to certain type of people who can show proof that they need it for printing descent and acceptable things.

  4. this is an outrage. guns are easy to buy now imagine what it would be like if you could but a machine that makes them on the highstreet . the crime rate will dramaticly increase

  5. these guns are too easy to get, murder might go up due to this, maybe people should get a license to own one.

  6. out of all people, gangs are making guns. this tecnology is getting into the wrong hands

  7. i knew something like this would happen

  8. i dont think that 3D printers should be banned however i think that there should be something that wouldnt allow the 3D printer to print weapons that will create violence.

  9. killings are going to go up but who knows how much?this will cause chaos

  10. ive gangs get 3d printers the world could have war again over 3d printers

  11. this is a big problem, now that gangs can get hold of guns, imagine how much murder wil be commited now.

  12. These is kind of stupid because people would abuse it for example, gangs. They would use them to threaten or maybe kill people. However for war it would be really good becoz of the unlimited weapons you can produce

  13. its a shame people are taking advantige of this printer in a bad way

  14. THIS DEVICE SHOULD BE BANNED , this could have a huge impact on the increase in terrorism in the UK , alledged terrorists could get into the country without any weapons , then print it out and use it once inside.

  15. The printer may cause World war 3, humanity will continue decreasing.

  16. i think it is wrong as people knew gangs would do this and its america's fault for showing they can print guns such as rifles but it wont be as powerful as a real gun but its potentialy dangerous they could even make a knife

  17. This is really sad people are using valuable reasources are being used for wrong reasons.

  18. i think that people can get a gun only kept for safty in a safe like if some one breakes into your house you can use it.On the other hand gangs would make guns, missile, bullets, rockets, pistols and etc...

  19. It should only be allowed in the army or police forces for printing off emergency weapons

  20. people should print out weapon for self defence for example if a robber come to your house and try to steal something you can just aim at him and he will get scard and he will run away but you should not print out a bullet.

  21. they should create a device in the 3d printers that does'nt allow any weapons that can create harm to others

  22. This is exactly what I expected, the idea of having a 3D printer in the first place was ridiculous. The main purpose of having 3D Printers is to make fresh materials for everyday uses. But as people are out of their minds, such as criminals, they are printing weapon which isn't appropiate.

    In my thoughts, 3D Printers should be banned in society because it may cause situations of certain casualties.
    However, if companies still want to continue their business in selling 3D Printers, I think that it's a good idea to sell only to experts and trusting people.

    As it is a threat to the UK and is being misused by certain people which may cause a riot and then there maybe certain casualties in society. There could be a lot more murder in the society. However i also believe that many people can benefit from it but because of these stupid people it is a threat to the society. This amazing creation has to be banned because of what could happen in the future if it is misused. This is why i believe that the 3D printer should be banned.
