Thursday 10 October 2013

Park and Hide

Discuss in pairs: What do you think of the article? Would you let the car park by itself? What technology was used get the car to park on its own?

Please post your comment:


  1. This is cool. A car that parks itself. Sweet.

    1. Thank you for being the first student in year 7A to publish your comment on the article. Well done. Even better if you can answer my question on what technology was used to enable the car to pack itself?

  2. I’m not sure whether or not I would let this car park its self because it might malfunction and crash. You would ruin your car and somebody else’s. If you had to pay for your car and someone else’s, it would cost a lot of money. The article says that they use an obstacle avoidance technology. In my opinion everyone wants to show off with their fancy car but cars are just to take you from one place to another. It really doesn’t matter so long as you have one that is efficient for you.

    1. Wow - what an answer from a Year 7A student! Just what I am looking for in term of expressing your point of view across. Well done.

  3. the car might crash into something

    1. Thank you for being the third student in the 7A class to publish your comment on this article. Can you try to write a bit more by answering the questions that I had set for this article.

  4. I would not let the car park itself as accident could arise, it is better for individuals to park their own car as with machines if malfunction occurs, people life my be at threat.

  5. i would not let this park my car for me , after all the money i would pay for my car to trust a little device , it would not only ruin my car if it crashes but someone else and that would cost me alot of money.

  6. I wouldnt trust a car to park itself, if it malfunctions it will crash and leave you with a heavy bill to pay.....

  7. really cool at least now i dont have to learn how to park my car, just sit back and relax while i relax and let the car do my thing

  8. People who are crap at parking could rely on this device, NOT only women.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. this is very helpful, as new drivers may struggle to park cars in tight spaces therfore this new technology prevents car accidents

  10. This may not be appropiate, what if you loose the car when it parks itself? it may drive away and be somewhere you didnt leave it. I also think that is very dangerous, sometimes systems crash so what if the car system crashed whilst parking crashing into the two cars either side of it, who do you blame the crash on? who would pay for? Its not a good, well thought of idea despite it being clever.

  11. where you have to press a button to park in a tight area, the button allows the car user to park where 'the driver does not have room to open the doors' but how will you get out of the car if you cant open the door.

  12. This is quite helpful to the people that struggle to park their car, it's less stressful. I wouldn't really let the car park it self, I would rather learn from my mistakes.

  13. it is a amazing product it can be useful for the people that can't park a car.

  14. This is quite helpful to the people that struggle to park their car, it's less stressful. I wouldn't really let the car park it self, because otherwise people will lose their skill on parking quick and smoothly.
    However, it's not useful because criminals such as thieves can steal the handset from the owers and probably can rob their cars or damage it.

    In my own thoughts, I think that it is helpful for difficult parking spaces or for quick emergencies/troubles. But, in the future if this develops, then non-drivers will not look-out to park after they get lessons and this would lead to troubles on lots of roads by not having skillful driving techniques.

  15. I think this is a great technology with sensors to guide the car into the parking space without hitting any other cars However this ay also be very dangerous as if something were to go wrong in the wires the car could go out of control. This is why I would not let my car park by itself because it could mailfunction and crash.
    However I think this is a great technology that has been created because it could help people who can't park properly learn how to park their car, as this is a skill that is very hard to develop. This might help the future generation and help them park better which could mean ore parking spaces.
