Monday 1 July 2013

Sony device dwarfs its rivals

Read the article:
Discuss in pairs: What do you think of the article? Another phone is coming out to challenge the Apple iPhone 5, would you buy this phone? Does screen size and being waterproof really matters to you?


  1. No point in buying the latest smartphone because most of the features are similar to others, but they have just been altered a little bit. The waterproof feature is useless,it is almost telling you to drop it which would make you look stupid.

  2. that is massive. who would carry a phone that big

  3. I would maybe buy this phone. It does matter to me when it has big screen and it being waterproof but the screen of this phone is too big, it wouldn't even fit in our pockets.

  4. There's no point in buyng this phone,it's nearly the same size as other well known tablets out there.Tablets like the Nexus 7 and HP slate can be bought for nearly 4 times less than this phone.How is it going to fit in your pocket? Waterproof is useless,i'm not going to use it in the shower am i?

  5. The phone is too big. I dont think much people will buy this phone

  6. i would buy this phone because its waterproof. It does not matter if the screen is too big even though it would not fit in my pocket.iphone 5 is not even that good because the apps are extremely slow, however some people like the name and the brand its from, not the quality

  7. I wouldn't consider buying this phone as i don't like carrying round enormous phones

  8. The water proof phone is really good but whats the point of a really large phone. the competiton of larger phones will still cotninue. o by the way i was suppose to say i bloged before abir.
    By nadim 7T

  9. it was suppose to say i blogged before abir

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  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. its not a phone its a remote

  13. big phones are much better becuase , you can movies and everything in the future i dont think people will need to buy a tablet or even a laptop

  14. I'd still prefer the IPhone. The screen is too big

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  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    these are the classic phones

  18. No i wouldn't buy this phone because it'd be to big to carry around which means i would need to carry a bag with me or a bigger bag and the screen size and it being waterproof doesn't matter to me.

  19. phones are meant to be handheld whats the point buying a phone if it doesnt fit in peoples hand

  20. I think that this phone is not for everyone. This phone is for those who make the most out there phone, and are always using it to play games, watching movies and people who use social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter and instagram. I also think that this phone is worth the money because of its features, processor and its screen resolution.

  21. i want this phone, come on 2.2ghz processor that can be over clocked to like 2.8ghz if you hack it, it will be amazing, perfect for movies, gaming and day to day things. however its an android in the end so it will crash a lot and it will over heat, but still its a great phone.

  22. its way too big
    couldnt hold it let alone use it
    sony "phone flops since 2000"

  23. I would definitely buy this phone if I didn’t have the Samsung galaxy s3. In my opinion the bigger the phone the better! I would buy it especially because it’s waterproof. :)

  24. My opinion is that this is just ridiculous as its too big its like a tablet now, this wont even fit in my own pocket, the only good thing about this phone is that its waterproof, but i wouldnt even buy it.

  25. Technology is suppose to be improving and upgrading, however these phones seem to be getting bigger when they should be getting smaller.

  26. I wouldnt becuase its too big of a phone for me

  27. I would never buy it because it wouldnt fit in my pocet

  28. my dad got the samsung mega. sooooooo big.

  29. this would be a great phone to buy i think this article is really interesting i would buy this its water proof i would be using it having a bath :) challenging the iphone and other makers out there i think this phone will go to the top for now.

  30. I don't think there is any difference except bigger screen.

  31. this is an android phone so i would not like to have it as i believe that android is a step back from IOS and it IS unessaseraly HUGENOMOUS

  32. The phone is actually not bad. The iphone is not the best phone and the phone in the article is not bad as long as you can call,text and social networks and also it works.

  33. this is a good phone because its big

  34. Although I do think with bigger screen can help those with bad eye sight

  35. big is not always better lil' baby steps back #just sayin'

  36. i would never buy that phone. too big tbh;/

  37. wow people these days - technology is going far

  38. i would choose the i phone 5 beacuse i like it and its not to big for my hands

  39. it is a nice big phone and it looks and seems like a good idea

  40. I wouldnt buy this because the phone is too big for my pockets and the waterproof system is quite cool but it would be useless because im not going to use while im having a shower am i?

  41. it's a good phone because it has a big screen which will be great for playing games and watching movies, or just general use. I think this phone is something that buisness people should buy because it is simple and easy to usee. Also, you're able to write on the phone with a pen or pencil and you won't have to write with a stylus. This means that your most likely to be able to write with your hands!

  42. After reading it, its actually ayt;D

  43. perculiar very perculiar how they are humangsous and big as a rock i think it is a massive challenge for iphone

  44. i also dont like to big phones becuse it doesnt fit in my pocket

  45. Ill still prefer The Samsung Galaxy S4

  46. i like things big... not to big mind

  47. but i have one more thing to say is it too big to fit in your pocket and plus since its big people like low lifes will steal it.

  48. the iphone is not that good only a little upgrade. i would not buy it

  49. i lied the phone looks like geraint

  50. iphone bull-crap bull-crap BULL-CRAP

  51. but what if naieem hacks the phone

  52. ewasih mon do the ewasih mon

  53. thats the ringtone on the phone

  54. LOL it wasnt me who changed jus to letu knw

  55. A NEW phone 6.4 inches cool

  56. It will be impossible to carry about , You might aswell have a tablet and a flip up samsung

  57. The bigger the better for games, however how u gonna carry it around

  58. its not a phne its a remote

  59. i thinkthis is a great phone even though it is really big GO SONY!!!!

  60. when the first mobile phone was made, it was massive, then they became small and now their becomin bigger again. one day were going to end up with a phone the size of a computer if it keeps getting bigger

  61. i would have it more as a tablet not a phone as it is to big and if i was carying it in my hand someone might rob me so i would leave it at home and i like that it is waterproof

  62. who would carry some thing big where ever they go why not just get a small phone and take it anywhere you go

  63. I aint gonna buy this phone, its too big, it wont even fit in my pocket, i will need a bag to carry it
