Wednesday 10 July 2013

Driving a car using your phone

Read the article: Discuss in pairs: What do you think of the article? The video was published in November 2009 and the reporter claimed that this technology is the future? But why are we not using this technology now? Would want to control your car using your phone? What do you think?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would personally would not want to use my phone to control my car as a accident could happen without me knowing.

  3. I think this could be illegal. Driving a car from an iPhone can be very risky. The risk is that the car may crash anywhere and who it is to blame. I don't think this technology is a good idea as it is not safe at all.

  4. its unnecessary because the main use of a phone is to make calls not to drive cars

  5. I think this article is interesting. we're probably not using this because it has to have a wireless network. It would be a lot of work to make and also someone will find a way to hack it.I think it's a waste of time because networks can crash or get hacked so safer way is to drive yourself.

  6. i think this technology is a great idea but i don't think there is a market for this type of technology, there are not many people who would buy it

  7. It doesn't seem possible to control every single part of the car, so any part could malfunction and destroy the process. Overall it is a bad idea becuase there are many risks involved.

  8. The only thing that concerns me is that what happens when a child finds the phone?the app itself looks like it's from a game and it could potentially cause dangers to others..also,the hardware took up all the space in the boot,what happens when you go on long journeys to the beach or something?

  9. The idea of driving your car with an IPhone is very risky. I think its the same thing as driving the car manually because you still have to move your hands. The only thing that you're not doing is not moving your feet. Overall I think there is no point of controlling your car with your phone.

  10. I would recommend that this is a new extraordinary invention for transport. It's like a spy gadget that children are even trained experts to use.
    The advantage is that in case your car is far away, lost, confiscated or even stolen, you can use your phone to like teleport (bring) it to you.
    The disadvantage is that, seen in the video; inside, the car has a full space of computer technologies, which leaves only one or two seats available. Also, it seems illegal for vehicles that polices and the law won't allow.

    However, by my own thoughts I think that this new technical idea for vehicles can improve and develop transporting invention in the future.

  11. its a good concept, car diving itself, but who will buy it? dvla will loose out, and thoousands of jobs will be killed, google car has successfully diven 4,000km without diver imput but it has never been tested on the road as it is very unsafe, a car will not have the instints as a drive, a car will not be able to react to an accident, and who will be to blame for them, insurence companies will go out of business as there services will no longer be required as you cant really make a car pay for the damage it may cause.

    To be continued...

  12. The idea of a self-driven car is really good. It has lot of benefits such as saving time while parking and people who can't drive can get to places. However there is still a long way to go before the technology can actually be mastered. A self-driven car although seems good may cause problems. Faulty technology can cause it to crash and it puts people’s lives at risk. I think there are still years to go before we'll be able to have cars like in 'IRobot'.

  13. This could lead to the death of many.

  14. this has good and bad potentials, in the wrong hands this could be severe,in a childs prospective it is like 'need for speed' in a real life situation therefore,they are more likely to cause accidents causing casualties; the phone can be stolen therefore this can be acccessable by the thief.

    who will be to blame for an accident the car or the person who gave the command.

  15. I think this article is intresting becuase this is cutting edge technolighy and has never been seen before. HOWEVER, i dont think this techonligy is nessesary when driving a car becuase a number of accidents WILL occur. but i think this techoligy should be used in other things.
    Louis F
