Monday 8 July 2013

Portable games consoles Gamestick set to launch

Read the article:

Discuss in pairs: What do you think of the article? Would you be tempted to buy this new portable game console? Would it replace the other portable game consoles in the shops at the moment? Or you think it just an extension of your mobile phone and tablet apps.


  1. i would be tempted to buy this new portable games consoles but there are other games consoles that are currently in the shops that would probably be better than this new portable games console, for example there is the nintendo 3DS that would be a better games console to buy as there is a wide range of games that can be accessed through this console

  2. whats the point of this game stick when you have a portable game consoles which you can take around with you anywhere. you can even play on it whilst going somewhere like the ps vita, psp, nintendo 3DS.

  3. I would buy this new portable games console but it wouldn't be better than the other portable games because there is more games on the portable games now but this new one has less games. Also this new portable game coesta a lot of money.

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  5. I would not buy this games console, I'd prefer a PS Vita, PSP or a nintendo because all of these have good graphics whereas the gamestick does not have good graphics and it would'nt be pleasant playing a game with terrible graphics.

  6. No point of buying this games console because it looks to similar to the nintendo wii u.

  7. This is actually decent idea, small and portable and has all the android games. It does seem like the better option compared to the OUYA, much cheaper and portable. I would get this game stick for when I go out to other people’s houses, if it had other games other than android games it would sell a lot.

  8. I would definitely be honoured to buy this new portable game console.

    This new invention is outstanding because; the control-pad is small enough to fit inside your pocket like a wallet or a phone perhaps, and the Game stick is the size of a USB-like remote. As the video showed, you just simply place the Game stick onto the side of a television, and then you can choose your own game option, (which a 5 year old would be proud and comfortable to use).

    However, the price of the game console product might aware customers that it is way too much to buy, but the quality of the product will change their thoughts. Unfortunately, the game console can only be used on televisions, but not sure on computers.

    On the other hand, it is simple as easy to use as it's portable. I would recommend that this new game console will beat the business of other brands of consoles.

  9. I would love this and haha Nadim i blogged before :P

  10. i would love this, this gamestick is really good i've seen it before an its worth the money. watch the trailer, it is really good
    (Abir is Really crazy, He writes anything and is set 5b for English, He also has a mentall issue, He also gets really angry if i blog first)Beat that abir.
    By Nadim 7T

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  12. excellent
    straight to your tv
    less chance of crashes and hacking im guessing
    not too long before it goes mainstream and gets ruined by big businesses though

  13. Replies
    1. Shut up abdi, no one cares about your crappy opinion

  14. I wouldnt be tempted to buy this because i would play with it a few times and then get bored and leave it.

  15. i would consider buying this console, looks easy to use and seems fun

  16. I would be tempted to buy this portable game console just because of the size of it. However, by looking at the article the games look like something that you can get on the phones, and some games look childish, but if they provided main stream games such as fifa, halo and assassin creed then I would be interested in buying it. Furthermore I think this portable game console would not be able to replace the portable games console as they are much much better than this, but in the long term this may replace the other device if it’s improved.

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Cheap so it's tempting, but there's not a various amount of games

  19. The mobile phone games (which this console runs on) are terrible and get boring after 5mins. I will personally not EVER buy this "gamestick". The product will fail because no-one will spen £70 on something they will use for a day

  20. This is very cool RT. Hopefully its pocket size if its not KMT

  21. Replies
    1. Fainur, you do not know how to type more than one word. Your opinion is irrelevant

  22. Personnaly i may consider buying the console as it is about 30 percent cheaper that PS4 or XBOX ONE, however none of the games are partically extrodinary and the games are the games you can get on an android device.

  23. I might buy it but it looks boring

  24. I would not buy it as Playstaition has all the games that suit me, also I am not a fan of android, it is quite slow and you can also all these on an Android phone so it is a waste of money

  25. not worth the money, ps vita or ninteno 3ds is better. why waste money when there are better consoles?

  26. its a good idea but we already have portable game consolses

  27. now that is some skinny controller just what i would need for intense banging out. could really put this to the test. how much does it cost. need 1 bad

  28. you could get a ps vita or a nintendo ds

  29. oh i dont understand you people what is the point of going crazy over this game?
    infact what is the point buying it its just a wast of time in life! who ever wants to buy this stuff i just want to say the it is just like other games so good luck!.
    leave comments about the game i want to see if it really is worth it!

  30. Replies
    1. it is not that expensive £60 pound after all ain't that bad for example PS4 is and Xbox one is about £350 to £450

  31. i dont have any opinion on this

  32. i see why you whould buy it as it is really good as you can take it anywhere and i would want one as its a size of a usb and i can play good games that i play on android but it aint the best well maybe not yet as theres other portable games consol

  33. This would be a great way to advance the gaming industry however the price not to sure about that

  34. are these people tryng to mug me of with a rubish game console

  35. A consle the size of a usb stick and only 60 pounds bargin

  36. i like how convenient it is and the portability. but all you have to do is lose the usb drive and its all a waste

  37. This technology kinda already out for example the Wii U, PSvita and ect
