Tuesday 21 May 2013

Google Glass

Discuss in pairs: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the new Google Glass device? Would you buy the device at the cost of £1000 at the moment?


  1. I really like this product and i really wish that i could get it it because my eye sight is really poor and i really like the key feature. such as videos, picture and voice control.

  2. it looks good but it might be hard to controll or there might be accidents if it automatically pops up

  3. Places have already banned this even though its not even commercially available, this is due to it's discrete ability to take videos and pictures. Also as of now it's a very basic concept with nearly no working apps but as soon as a developers start to develop for this great apps will come just like with all else (Android, iOS etc.)

  4. this dont look nice when your wearing it you look like a geek!
    they should have a ps4 version and better design (^_^)

  5. looks useful but there are many health issues and peuadophelic ppl could look at you

  6. all in all it aint nice my glasses look way better and cost 10000 pounds

  7. it is kind of good that it is banned in most places because ordinary people can stalk you so be carefull also perv at you then put you on youtube this is a serious thing!!!

  8. attack of the pedos are back be CAREFUL

  9. I think its a bad idea and a good idea if you like rappist,stalkers and pedofoil

  10. those peedos are ginna starp u wiv handcuffs

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. LOOOOOOL!!!yeeaaaah buddy, i want one:D

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Its a good Product want to have that

  15. i think peedos are dangerous nd illegal

  16. ihcudhcuiasdbvuasdufvodgjuisfjgsuidfxuvifbvudfb dfuvsdbncdhu8fbsdvu vbcu hy ducx

  17. The Google Glass Human is your phone in your glasses

  18. But it can also be used to cheat with, and can be stolen and all these type of things. But it has many advantages which I am not going to say because I am not bothered

  19. i think it is a good idea about google glasses and is effective but it might be quite hard to use as you dont use your hands and it is a resonable price but it could cause accident such as when your driving and a msg pops up you might crash
