Friday 26 April 2013

'Digital Child Minder' Storing Up Trouble for Kids

Read the article below:

Discuss in pairs: What do you think of this article? Do you encounter similar experiences with your younger brothers and sisters or younger relatives? Who is to blame? What can we do? Or this is just political correctness going mad? Please give me your view by posting a comment:


  1. sounds like me and my bro, i spend all day on my phone, laptop and pi, and my bro spends all day on ps3.

    i know so many people who spend the whole day on their ICT devices.

  2. we are all computer addicts

  3. i think this is true, my niece spends the whole day on her galaxy note, sometimes accidentally purchasing items. this is very true, technology has taken over family

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think that technology has reached to that limit were everyone is just ordering online without trying the product or viewing it directly. This is what ICT has become into and it should be used only for being creative, imaginative not spending hours on one device.

    No one is to blame but it is just about giving that control of that freedom instead of letting them play as long as they want.

    we can help get rid of this by taking them out to be healthier and enjoy the outside world.

    Ict is about living in a digital world but we have something other besides that...

  6. It seems that parents do not set any limits as to when they let their child play or do something else like reading, outdoor activities and etc.

    My nephew spends hours playing his ps3 and when he doesn't play the ps3 he plays on his ipad for hours.

    Technology has taken over kids younger than us...
    Also the kids should have control as to when they should play or read so then this will prevent them from being addicts of any technology.

  7. I would laugh if this was me i can only play on electronic devices when i allowed (Friday and saturday) I mostly sleep and revise

  8. The girls an addict even i dont spend that much time on my ipad. ipod 5 and laptop all together. maybe that child has family problems and the ipad is her closest thing.
    By nadim

    1. How can a 3 year old have family problems the comment you made is completely stupid.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. i think its the parents to blame, because they are the one who
    introduced ipad to the girl and they have the power to say yes or no when kids want to play game

  10. Parents are to blame for purchasing her the ipad in the first place and aswell as that they allowed her to be spending so much time on the ipad so it all comes down to them.

  11. I think beacuse there are more technology available kids nowdays decide to stay indoors and play with gadgets rather then go outside, how it was used to be back in the days. This happens to so many young kids and i think parents are to blame beacuse they aren't being strict and are spoiling their children. If parents stop special treatment then kids are likely not to be addicted. The problem can be easly resolved if there was some kind of fun outdoor activities for kids to do.

  12. I think the reason for why these younger generations have become addicted to technology is to be blamed by the older generation such as brothers, sisters and parents for actually buying it in the first place and then blame the child.
    Also it is making all young people rubbish at socialising.

  13. Irresponsible parenting means that children aged 2-3 will become addicted to technology. If their parents hand them a I-pad to keep them quiet
