Thursday 21 November 2013

Battle of consoles - Let the gamer begin

Discuss in pairs: What do you think of this article? Which next generation game console would you buy and why? These consoles are 10 times as powerful as the Sony PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Xbox 360 - Can you tell me what makes them more powerful? What input devices have the PS4 and Xbox One got? Please post your comment:


  1. I like the fact that Xbox One has kinect built in, but its a bit expensive.

  2. these consols are awsome there 10 times better as the grafics card are amazing

  3. i would buy ps4 because its easy to useand its cheaper than x box one

  4. cool ps4 and xbox lets see who will win

  5. the price for the xbox is too high

  6. the fact that the ps3 has alot more 'facilities' even on the controller? it makes the xbox one look rubbish

  7. I do not know what console will sell better but it will be a great battle between xbox one and PS4 in a year or so when gameing experts or gameing critics decide which console is overall better.

  8. looks gud but des it ply gud ?????????????

  9. we think that ps4 is better because its cheaper and it has better exclusives

  10. This article is very interesting to read because there are now speculations about the ps4 and the xbox 1. I would buy the ps4 because i have bein a playstation person since i was 7.

  11. the ps3 looks a lot like the ps2

  12. ps4 is beter than xbox one becuase xbox one is crap
