Tuesday 11 June 2013

Cheap as Microchips

Read the article:

Discuss in pairs: Would you buy a computer for £24? Is it a good idea from the Government? Do you think we should all follow everyone to have access to the Internet? Would parents worry about what this would do to their child’s upbringing?


  1. I would maybe buy a computer for £24 and then upgrade it by increasing the initial specification, e.g. increase the RAM, change the processor and add extra internal hard disk drive and even change the monitor (depends what size it is?). I think it is good idea for the Government, but must warn parents about the dangers of using the Internet and spending too long on the computer, especially with Cyber bullying, and other inappropriate materials that arises from the Internet. As a parent of two young children, yes, I am concerns about being pressurised into jumping onto the digital bandwagon because I am afraid of them missing out on the fundamental like exploring the real world and nature. Like everything in life we should have a balance to ensure a more healthier outlook.

  2. I would buy a computer worth £24, a computer for me would have only uses shuch as to browse the net and also type up word documents or create powerpoints. You will easily be able to change the specs as listed by Mr. Ly above.

  3. I would consider buying a computer for £24 because it is worth it. Computers now-a-days have become more advanced with more new features which makes them more expensive.But once you have it, you can do what you want with it like upgrading it.

  4. i would buy it coz its cheap and probaly upgrade it a bit and sell at a higher price

  5. i would buy a computer for £24 because its really cheap compared to the computers now a days. its an excellent idea from the government, but there can be dangers of using the internet and spending too long on the computer as a result of children becaming addicted.

  6. i would buy a computer worth £24 because its cheap

  7. It is a good idea as it allows the less fortunate to gain access to a computer and the internet .so students can do work on it and the family can use it for other purposes.However a computer that cheap is bound to have some drawbacks?These computers were donated by buisinesses who didnt want them anymore.The software may be upgraded but the hardware may not.Also, if parents are worried about there childrens safety , they should watch them whilst the kids are using it to make sure they are using it appropriate.

  8. I would buy a computer for £24 as it is very cheap. I would buy these cheap computers so i can play around with it, adding things on like a monitor.

  9. It's really cheap so why not?
    I think it's a good idea because everything involves using the internet now and everyone should have access to this.

  10. I would coonsider buying the computer for £24 as its very cheap and some families today cannot afford to buy cmputers this chaep computer will alow families with low income to have access to broadband.

  11. i think it's a good idea because everyone needs the internet and now most homeworks need to be done on the computer. i would buy the computer it's £24 who wouldn't ?

  12. i think this is a good idea and i would buy it. however as it says the computers are "unwanted machines donated by businesses" this implies that they might have few problems. however i would still buy and invest some money into upgrading it if necessary.

  13. I would buy a cheap computer and upgrade by adding new mother boards and stuff with new rams just to make it better so you dont really have to buy a really expensive computer when you could get cheap parts and just add it into the computer

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  16. Replies
    1. I would never spend £24 on a terrible computer.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Well to be honest, i like the idea beacause people need computers and if they go for £24 lots of people will have computers. Bang-Bang!

    1. Yeah, but they will have terrible computers that are good for nothing

    2. A computer is this thing that costs £24 these days

  19. Wow i would love one but i already got a computer

  20. I would buy it for £24. its the cheapest computer i've ever seen. its a really good deal. £24 you would'nt getthat deal any where in the world. even if abir was the prime minister he would not think of that in his whole life without his partner nadim the great!
    Peace Out! Nadim 7T
