Friday 7 December 2012

User Interfaces

Please answer the questions on User Interface below:
1.      Characteristics and factors on designing a good user interface for various/different users.
2.      Different types of user interfaces - purpose, advantages and disadvantages.
3.      What is the ultimate/best/future user interface?

Which Operating System user interface do you prefer?


  1. I don't like any of the two. I hate what windows decided to do with the "Metro UI" if they still call it that. It makes computers without a touchscreen input useless. And I was never really a fan of the Apple Macintosh UI it seems over-simplified to me. Also the gray with no ability to change the coulour is also annoying and frustrating. I think so far Windows 7 had the best UI it was clean and beautiful.

  2. in my opinion i prefer windows 8, its more fun to use and looks more attractive and modern. Whereas Apple is also stylish and modern but can be hard to work with and can be really confusing. Normal people will find it very hard and complicated to use.

    However i would definately prefer windows 7 over 8

  3. I prefer windows 8, its more fun and easy to use. Some say it looks a it childish but i think its made for everyone s you can make your own look with your own blocks to help you with what you want and like.

  4. i prefer windows 8 over apple because i find apple much more confusing for example when i first used apple i couldn't find the start buton and i didnt know where to search. i think that windows 8 is more attractive and modern also it is simple to use.

  5. I like something simple. Easy to use.

  6. I don't like either of these operating systems, the windows 8 UI looks too childish and colourful, and the Macintosh UI is very complicated to use.

    I prefer Windows 7 over Windows 8 also.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Personally I like the windows 8 interface, as it is customizable to your needs, you can move the tabs around, delete the useless ones and change the colour and design of the background, whereas the apple interface is just simple.

  9. I would prefer windows eight rather than apple because apple is very complicated to use. However windows 8 is very easy to use and it has got the desktop to use as well like windows seven. Apple needs to be updated now and then and that is very annoying for me because it could delete all the data that you have stored in your computer. Windows eight you can get all the software in apple but it will be easier to use.

  10. In my opinion I prefer Windows 8 because its more fun to use, you can work well with. However Apple is very hard to working with and its really confusing.
