Wednesday 24 October 2012

Tweeter troll or Internet troll - What do you think about this?

We have read a lot of articles in the newspaper regarding tweeter trolls and Internet trolls, most recently, Adele was attacked by jealous Bruno Mars fans regarding her new born baby boy - message include Your baby is fat and handicap, you should kill it! How can one human being say such thing to another human being?


  1. Please tell me what you think about this issue involving the use of ICT to abuse another human being.

  2. There is alot of ICT abuse as there is no strict monitoring.
    If you YouTube 'Amanda Todd' youll be able to see the true extent of ICT and how it can cause people to a life of unpleasentness and in turn suicide.
    I also know that you can get convicted for some offenses relating to this topic, an example is any extremist remarks you make will be filtered through and you could get arrested.

  3. They should be hunted down and punished

  4. If it is rubbsih then they should improve it or hire people rather than rely on voice recognition
